In Defense of Effective Altruism

The Worst Form of Ethics, Except For All The Others This would’ve been a lot easier in August 2022. Flash forward 15 months, and the EA movement is in trouble. RIP: Effective Altruism (2011-2023). Right? “The measure of a man’s life is not the number of his breaths, but the action he takes.” – AristotleContinue reading “In Defense of Effective Altruism”

Scientist CEOs

Helping elite scientists become elite startup founders Trend: Silicon Valley now celebrates the technical founder CEO. Myth: Most VCs still think that scientists can’t be good CEOs. How: Be the first investor and advisor for startups led by scientist CEOs.  Opportunity: Elevating scientist CEOs is good for everyone. This idea is a work-in-progress. If you’dContinue reading “Scientist CEOs”