One night after a particularly bad loss in one of my startups, I came home and my wife said, in what she meant to be reassuring but felt crushing at the time, “at least you’re a great dad.”
Tag Archives: Personal
Dear Mama
“I wish I could take the pain awayIf you can make it through the night, there’s a brighter dayEverything will be alright if you hold onIt’s a struggle every day, gotta roll onAnd there’s no way I can pay you backBut my plan is to show you that I understandYou are appreciated.”— 2Pac, Dear MamaContinue reading “Dear Mama”
1,000 Haters
Every creator should know Kevin Kelly’s idea about 1,000 True Fans: “To be a successful creator you don’t need millions. You don’t need millions of dollars or millions of customers, millions of clients or millions of fans. To make a living as a craftsperson, photographer, musician, designer, author, animator, app maker, entrepreneur, or inventor youContinue reading “1,000 Haters”
Stay in the Pocket
Imagine you’re a quarterback. The center snaps the ball to you. Look up. Take three steps back. Two defenders are coming through the line, one on each side. Pause. What do you do next? Everything in your body tells you to run, escape. You want to get out of the pocket. But the right moveContinue reading “Stay in the Pocket”
The Decades Are Short But The Centuries Are Long
Labdoor is turning 10 years old this month! We’ve been through so much — moving cross-country to SF to join Rock Health, raising a seed round led by Mark Cuban, creating a passionate community of smart consumers, getting accepted into Y Combinator’s Winter 2015 class, fighting multiple lawsuits from supplement companies, raising a Series A ledContinue reading “The Decades Are Short But The Centuries Are Long”
The Most Important Job in the World
A Woman from Coldwater
This is an excerpt from my forthcoming book Positive Politics: Here’s a basic economics question: Question: What happens to GDP? According to economists, nothing changed because no new money changed hands. But I met that woman in Coldwater. What changes is she gets 26 hours of her life back each week. She doesn’t want moreContinue reading “A Woman from Coldwater”
You Have To Make Life Meaningful
They’ll summarize your life into a few words, sentences, or paragraphs. The family you created, the friends you made, the things you did. In those words are the meaning of your life. Life’s secret is that these words aren’t predetermined. We get to pick these words through our actions now. We have to make ourContinue reading “You Have To Make Life Meaningful”
Fuck The Cynics
When did it become “cool” to be cynical? I think it started May 1, 2003: A whole generation has grown up expecting their leaders to lie to them. Conspiracy theories have gone mainstream: I’m not saying there are no wolves out here. But please stop crying wolf every time. The worst kind of cynicism isContinue reading “Fuck The Cynics”
Upgrade Yourself
The answer is your potential energy. The sum of all this potential energy is the world’s greatest untapped resource. In physics, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy by a force. However, if the friction is greater than the force, there will be no movement. We need to maximize our positive force and minimize theContinue reading “Upgrade Yourself”