A Positive Agenda for America

People > Politics Our politics really is rigged. But it’s not rigged by some shadowy conspiracy. It’s rigged by money. Billionaires are now spending 39 times more on federal elections since Citizens United in 2010. Most politicians are loyal to their donors, not you. They’re more worried about losing their campaign funds than losing votes.Continue reading “A Positive Agenda for America”

In Defense of Effective Altruism

The Worst Form of Ethics, Except For All The Others This would’ve been a lot easier in August 2022. Flash forward 15 months, and the EA movement is in trouble. RIP: Effective Altruism (2011-2023). Right? “The measure of a man’s life is not the number of his breaths, but the action he takes.” – AristotleContinue reading “In Defense of Effective Altruism”

Abolish The Electoral College

We Need to Directly Elect Presidents Summary: Idea: A constitutional amendment to directly elect presidents by popular vote. Problem: The Electoral College has been corrupted by the two-party system. Trend: We’re about to have the least popular presidential election ever. History: We’ve been close to abolishing the Electoral College but never got it done. Solution:Continue reading “Abolish The Electoral College”

1,000 Haters

Every creator should know Kevin Kelly’s idea about 1,000 True Fans: “To be a successful creator you don’t need millions. You don’t need millions of dollars or millions of customers, millions of clients or millions of fans. To make a living as a craftsperson, photographer, musician, designer, author, animator, app maker, entrepreneur, or inventor youContinue reading “1,000 Haters”