The solution to most of the World’s Biggest Problems is abundance.
- We don’t have enough food.
- We don’t have enough medicine.
- We don’t have enough masks.
- We don’t have enough semiconductor chips.
Abundance begets progress.
- We must have enough before we can dream of more.
We need to focus our time, money, and creativity on creating factories of abundance.
- Literal factories. Hundreds of them.
- These factories of abundance are our new Arsenal of Progress.
Let’s start our Arsenal of Progress than the original Arsenal of Democracy, Detroit!
- Movement: Detroit vs. Shenzhen
- Accelerator: YC for Manufacturing
- Fund: 43North for Detroit
Arsenal of Progress is one of my solutions to the World’s Biggest Problems.
- This idea is a work-in-progress. If you’d like to riff on it, hit me up @neilthanedar on Twitter.