Idea: Everyone should be an activist at least 1 hour a week.
- I want to inspire more people to help solve the World’s Biggest Problems.
- We need the support of millions of people to enact these solutions.
- No contribution is too small!
- You can make a big difference by encouraging people to be more ambitious.
Problem: Politics and activism feel so foreign to most people.
- That’s what the elite want you to think.
- The truth is anyone can become an activist and change minds and laws.
- My personal mission is to inspire independent and idealistic people, especially from underrepresented communities, to take action and run for office.
Solution: Create a community and movement around Everyday Activism.
- This is my motivation for creating Utopic Club and Utopic Live.
Anyone can speak truth to power. It only takes one moment to change the world.
Everyday Activism is on my list of solutions to The World’s Biggest Problems.
- This idea is a work-in-progress. If you’d like to riff on it, hit me up @neilthanedar on Twitter!