Thanedar’s Game

Idea: Create a Virtual Game simulating Cryptocountry formation and growth.

Problem: Real-world political and economic experiments take decades to demonstrate their ultimate successes and failures and can lead to significant hardship and loss of life.

Solution: A Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) Game simulating the creation of and competition between cryptocountries.

  • Design and implement political and economic systems for your Cryptocountry to compete for Citizens and Wealth.
  • Featuring Protocols and Gameplay that make it easy to:
    • Create and distribute virtual currencies.
    • Encode laws, rules, and citizenship requirements.
    • Enable communications by and between Countries and Citizens.

Purpose: Incentivize people to compete to create the best prototypes for Cryptocountries.

  • This Game allows us to quickly test many different political and economic strategies virtually as preparation for creating ideal cryptocountries.
    • Like Battle School and Command School in Ender’s Game, increasingly complex versions of this Game can also be used as training simulators for prospective cryptocountry leaders.

Vision: Virtual Countries are simulations of Cryptocountries.

  • Cryptocountries are the future of mass political and economic governance.

Setup: New Countries are created by Founders.

  • Founders set the initial governance and then can retain total control (e.g. monarchy/dictatorship) or distribute some or all of this power through democratic or other means.
    • Countries can be governed algorithmically or through the actions of its Founders and/or Citizens.
    • Countries start with no Currency but have the right to mint their own Currency at their discretion.
  • Founders start with no Citizens other than themselves but can recruit new and existing Players to switch citizenship to their Country.

Playing: New Players can join existing Countries or start their own Country.

  • Each Player can only be a Citizen of one Country at a time.
  • New Players enter the Game with no Currency and can only join Countries that have open borders.
    • Example: AAA allows Players to join their Country for no cost, but all AAA Citizens are subject to AAA’s 10% daily tax, redistributed progressively to AAA’s poorest Citizens.
  • Players may switch their citizenship subject to the laws of the new Country.
    • Example: BBB allows Players to join their Country for a cost of 10BBB, to be distributed equally between all prior BBB Citizens. BBB Citizens pay no taxes.

Timing: Each Game lasts a set period of Days (e.g. 30).

  • Countries can implement new political and economic policies once per day.
  • Games played in Real-Time could last weeks or months and would be played Virtually.
    • Real-Time Games rely more heavily on Founders and early Citizens’ community-building ability to recruit new Players into the game and become Citizens of their Country.
  • Games played Live would be condensed into one day or less.
    • Example: Each Day takes 10 minutes, so a 30-Day Game is completed in 5 hours of gameplay.
    • Live Games require quick consensus-building between Founders and/or Citizens.

Winning: Prizes given to Winners of these Games:

  1. Population Game: Country with the largest number of Citizens.
  2. Equality Game: Country with highest Net Wealth of its poorest Citizen.
  3. Wealth Game: Country with the highest Total Wealth.
  4. Richest Game: Player with the highest Net Wealth.
  5. Dominance Game: Player who sweeps Games 1-4.
    • This would require one Player winning the Richest Game and being on the winning team of all three of the Team Games.

Prizes: Shared between Citizens of winning Countries through different methods, including:

  1. Unilaterally: All shares initially held by Founders, who decide how shares are distributed (if at all).
  2. Directly: Equal shares to every Citizen.
  3. Proportionately: Shares defined by ownership of native Currency held by each Citizen at Game’s end.

How To Win:

Example: Assume there are three countries, with currencies AAA, BBB, and CCC:

  • Population: AAA = 200 Citizens, BBB = 100 Citizens, CCC = 50 Citizens
    • AAA wins the Population Game.
  • Exchange Rates: AAA/BBB = 0.1, AAA/CCC = 0.5, CCC/BBB = 0.2
    • BBB is the Reference Currency.
      • 10 AAA = 1 BBB, 5 CCC = 1 BBB
  • Highest Top Wealth: Citizen #1 in BBB, BBB1, holds 100AAA, 200BBB, and 20 CCC, which converts to 214 BBB, the highest Net Wealth in the Game.
    • BBB1 wins the Richest Game.
  • Highest Base Wealth: The poorest Citizen of AAA has 50AAA (5BBB), the poorest Citizen of BBB has 0 BBB, the poorest Citizen of CCC has 10CCC (2BBB).
    • AAA wins the Equality Game.
  • Total Wealth: Citizens of AAA own currency worth 10M BBB, citizens of BBB own currency worth 8M BBB, and Citizens of CCC own currency worth 12M CCC.
    • CCC wins the Wealth Game.

Strategies: Players can copy existing political and economic systems or create their own.

  • Democracy:
    • Share power equally among citizens and vote daily on new political and economic policies.
      • This adds coordination and leadership risks and increases flexibility and creativity.
      • This strategy should increase chances of winning the Population and Equality Games and decrease chances of winning the Wealth and Richest Games.
  • Dictatorship:
    • All Country policies are controlled by one or more Founders.
      • This strategy should increase the chance of winning the Richest Game while decreasing chances of winning the first Three Games.
      • If executed dominantly, this strategy should be the most likely path to winning the Dominance Game.
  • Modern Monetary Policy (MMT):
    • A Country implementing MMT would continuously mint new currency and distribute it progressively via UBI or other redistributive methods.
      • This strategy should increase chances of winning the Population and Equality Games and decrease chances of winning the Wealth and Richest Games.
  • Atlas Shrugged:
    • A Country following an Altas Shrugged strategy would enact libertarian monetary policies and require high admissions criteria (e.g. wealth/talent requirements and/or initiation fees) to join.
      • This strategy should increase chances of winning the Wealth and Richest Games and decrease chances of winning the Population and Equality Games.

Rules and Definitions:

  • Monetary Policies: Countries can set their own monetary policies, including setting a tax rate and schedule and implementing the creation and/or destruction of its own currency.
  • Exchange Rates: Measures the relative value of two different currencies based on Currency Pairs in trades between different Players and Countries.
    • Countries can set their own Exchange Rates when accepting Currency from their Citizens.
    • Countries can set effective Exchange Rates via foreign exchange trading with other Countries.
  • Reference Currency: Converts value of all currencies into the single currency with the highest value per coin.
  • Net Wealth: Calculates the total value of each Citizen’s Currency holdings based on Exchange Rates to the Reference Currency.
  • Total Wealth: Sums the Net Worth of all Citizens in each Country.


Published by Neil Thanedar

Neil Thanedar is an entrepreneur, investor, scientist, author, and political advisor. He is currently the founder & chairman of Labdoor (YC W15), the independent worldwide alternative to the FDA, and Air to All, a 501(c)3 nonprofit medical device startup. He previously co-founded Avomeen, a product development and testing lab acquired for $30M+ in 2016. Neil has also served as Executive Director of The Detroit Partnership and Senior Advisor to his father Shri Thanedar in his campaigns for Governor, State Representative, and US Congress in Michigan.